Tuesday, December 24, 2019

When did Josef and Ella Lurie arrive in Norway?

Good question. The answer is that we are not really sure.

Ellen writes; “I think Josef must have got to Norway before 1905 because my father and Selma were born in 1903 and 1904 and I know that Ella went back to Lithuania for their births, the subsequent children having been born in Norway. Or could I have been mistaken all these years and that they married and had first two children in Lithuania??? I don’t think so.”

The version of the story that I grew up with was that Josef was forced to flee Lithuania because of the charges leveled against him for deserting the Russian army; and when he fled, it was to his uncle Marcus Scheer who was already in Norway. Ella was only able to follow him some time later with the two children.

We know that Marcus and Golda Scheer arrived in Norway “shortly after the turn of the century” (Eva Scheer- “The Last Mohican”: Reflections on an Argentine Frontier' (Western Historical Quarterly, Volume 7, Issue 4, October 1976, Pages 413–417), having themselves fled the harsh conditions in Argentina.

However, as the one son, Axel Scheer, was born in Riga in 1904, (Source – Geni.com - https://www.geni.com/people/Marcus-Scheer/6000000030761105905#/tab/timeline ), was “shortly after the turn of the century” 1900 or 1904 0r 1905? Or did Golda also return for the birth? We simply do not know.

So, which version is the correct one? Comments anyone?